We take away your pain
and don’t give it back.

Massage by Annie Moore

As a massage therapist, I believe that illness and injury can often be handled with non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical means. This world has gotten blinded by the get-well-quick fix of pills and surgery. I often find that some won’t give massage a try, even for the simplest of things, because their doctor told them to take some sort of medication. Even worse, they were told they don’t need surgery ‘yet,’ but no protocol was offered to stave off having surgery at all, when possible.

It is okay to have a conversation with your doctor. They may have alternatives for you to try that won’t damage your organs, have side effects, or cause the need for surgery. If your current doctor doesn’t want to have a discussion, I would suggest getting a second opinion. Your body is your body, not your doctor’s, and you have a right to say what goes into or happens to it. Try a functional medicine, or a naturopathic doctor.

I wish you many years of health and happiness. God bless and have a tranquil day.

– Annie Moore, LMT, BCTM


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